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  3. Aiming high at WP Systems with 360° joining technology

Aiming high at WP Systems with 360° joining technology

A wind turbine in a forest landscape, with a maintenance platform from WP Systems on the lower rotor blade. Installed in the maintenance platform: Fasteners from Böllhoff.

WP Systems manufactures maintenance platforms for wind turbines in Brandenburg. With our expertise and joining elements in the platforms, we ensure that everything holds together. Creating sustainable joinings for the energy generation of the future - for Böllhoff, this is both day-to-day business and a matter close to our hearts.

Clean, renewable energy every time the wind picks up - turn after turn

Wind power plays a key role in the success of the energy transition in Germany. There are already over 30,000 wind turbines in operation in Germany today, and the trend is rising. Like any complex technical system, wind turbines also require regular maintenance, usually once or twice a year.

A case for WP Systems: the medium-sized mechanical engineering company from Brandenburg is aiming high in this growth market, in the truest sense of the word. This is because the company has been manufacturing maintenance platforms for wind turbines since it was founded in 2015. Today, WP Systems employs 50 people at its headquarters in Ruhland, north of Dresden. We have been part of this success story for sustainable energy generation for many years.

"Böllhoff has been with us as a supplier since WP Systems was founded. We started in 2015 with around 50 connecting elements from Böllhoff. There are now up to 400 different elements in our platforms."

Frank Klippel – Einkäufer bei WP Systems
Frank Klippel Purchaser at WP Systems

All-round support for WP Systems: from development to quality assurance

The collaboration between WP Systems and Böllhoff began during the development process for the company's very first maintenance platform series. The particular challenge here was that all joining elements in the maintenance platforms had to meet the highest safety requirements. After all, work on the rotor blades of wind turbines takes place at great heights - 120 meters and more are not uncommon.

A Böllhoff employee uses a microscope to check the product quality of a fastener

The Böllhoff application engineering team was therefore deeply involved in the development process for WP System's first maintenance platform called Terra 1.1 right from the start. The range of advice was correspondingly comprehensive: from recommending suitable fasteners for various fixing points within the platform to providing support for all aspects of TÜV approval. Our accredited test laboratory also carried out specific tests on fasteners. This enabled the important 3.1 acceptance test certificate to be awarded for the approval process - proof of the highest quality of the products supplied.

Secure joinings at great heights

The Terra 1.1 model went into series production at the end of 2018. Since then, WP Systems has been producing up to 35 of these maintenance platforms per year. Each one is held together by 300 different Böllhoff fasteners in varying quantities. DIN and standard parts such as bolts and nuts are represented as well as special fasteners, such as RIPP LOCK® lock washers or RIVKLE® blind rivet nuts.

A connection with a future - for the future

Reaching ever higher together

Expansion of the product portfolio at WP Systems

In the years that followed, WP Systems continuously expanded its product portfolio. Further nacelle concepts were added, such as the lightweight open maintenance platform Aer 1.1 - also equipped with Böllhoff joining elements - or the innovative dismantling systems of the carpo series. The latter allow wind turbines to be dismantled cleanly and cost-effectively - even offshore or on difficult terrain thanks to remote control of the platform.

Worker on a WP Systems maintenance platform during the maintenance of a wind turbine
A maintenance platform from WP Systems in use

Expansion of cooperation with Böllhoff

Since the end of 2022, we have also taken over the entire supply chain for fasteners for WP Systems. With our ECOSIT® service package, all required fasteners are delivered directly to the production facility in Ruhland on an as-needed basis. Reorders of elements can be triggered simply by inserting an RFID label into a box provided for this purpose on the shelf. We take care of all processes in the background - from scheduling and quality control to logistics processing.

A woman standing at the control centre of an ECOSIT® system is reaching for a Kanban ECOBIN.
Our ECOSIT® delivery system for C-parts

This allows WP Systems to concentrate fully on its core competence: the construction of innovative nacelle solutions for wind turbines. So that the company and its products can continue to aim and fly high.

Stable joinings on behalf of sustainability

Joining technology from Böllhoff also ensures durable joinings in many other applications relating to renewable energies and climate-friendly heating. Whether inside wind turbines on the generator, in mounting rails for PV systems or in the housing of heat pumps - we are proud to play an active role in shaping the energy and heat generation of tomorrow with our joining technology.

We have also been supporting the shift towards electromobility for years. That's why we are just as active in electric cars as we are in e-bikes.

Read more about our contribution to e-mobility
An image of an electric car with a charging plug in front of a green landscape with a photovoltaic system.