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GRI Content Index

From the 2023 reporting year, the Böllhoff Group's sustainability reporting will only take place online: on the sustainability pages of the website and in the Böllhoff Magazine. The reporting and the following GRI Content Index are based on the GRI Standards 2021.

General standard information

GRI indicator

Indicator name



The organization and its reporting practices


Organizational details













Name of the organization:
Wilhelm Böllhoff GmbH & Co. KG
Holding of the Böllhoff Group

Ownership structure and legal form:
Excerpt from self-disclosure (as at 07/2024)
Wilhelm Böllhoff GmbH & Co. KG

Legal form:
GmbH & Co. KG

Foundation and commercial register:
29.10.1988 AG Bielefeld, HRA 12987
First head office in Herdecke founded in 1877, AG Hagen from 06.01.1877, no. 451

Personally liable partner: 
Wilhelm Böllhoff Verwaltungs-GmbH, Archimedesstraße 1-4, 33649 Bielefeld
Commercial Register HRB 30010, AG Bielefeld

Location of the company headquarters:
Archimedesstraße 1-4, 33649 Bielefeld, Germany

Operating sites:
Find out more on the "Locations" page
2-2Entities included in the organization's sustainability reporting

The reporting covers entities (company locations) in the following countries:

Germany (incl. the associated companies Kaiser Spezialartikel GmbH and Verbindungselemente Engel GmbH)
France (incl. the companies Gillis Aerospace and SNEP SA acquired in 2021 and 2022)
United Kingdom

The scope of the report, which includes all countries with their own production sites, covers approximately 94% of the Böllhoff Group's global workforce.
Exception to the scope: The energy and emissions balances include all companies within the operational sphere of influence of the Böllhoff Group.

2-3Reporting period, reporting frequency and contact pointReporting period:
The current reporting period is the year 2023 (01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023).
The reporting aims to ensure that key figures are always shown for three years. In some cases, this is not possible due to missing data.

The report is updated annually, with the scope being continuously expanded.

Publication date:
This report was published on 31.07.2023.

Christian Hagemeier - Head of Corporate Quality Sustainability; e-mail:
2-4Correction or restatement of informationThe Sustainability Report 2023 is the fifth report of its kind published by the Böllhoff Group.
The scope of the report has been expanded by several countries compared to 2022; for the current scope, see Note 2-2. The historical data of the newly added countries was included for 2021 and 2022, if available, or estimated if the data was insufficient.
2-5External assuranceThe report is not subject to an external audit.-

Activities and employees

2-6Activities, value chain and other business relationshipsFind out more on the "Key figures and competencies" page -
2-7EmployeesFind out more in the "People" field of action 

Corporate management

2-9 Governance structure and compositionFind out more on the "Corporate philosophy" page-
2-11Chair of the highest governance bodyFind out more on the "Corporate philosophy" page-
2-16Communication of critical concernsCritical concerns are brought to the attention of the company through public whistleblower systems. The process and documentation of the procedures can be found at the following link:

Strategy, policies and practices

2-22Statement on sustainable development strategyFind out more on the "Sustainability strategy" page-
2-25Process to remediate negative impacts
Complaints about the company or its supply chain can be submitted to the company through publicly available whistleblower systems. The process and documentation of the procedures can be found at the following link:
2-27Compliance with laws and regulationsThere were no material violations in 2023. -
2-28Membership associationsFind out more on the "Key figures and competencies" page-

Stakeholder involvement

2-29Approach to stakeholder engagementFind out more on the "Sustainability strategy" page-
2-30Collective bargaining agreementsFind out more in the "People" field of action5

Information on material topics

3-1Process to determine material topicsFind out more on the "Sustainability strategy" page-
3-2List of material topicsFind out more on the "Sustainability strategy" page-



GRI indicator

Indicator name



Market presence

202-1Ratios of standard entry level wage
by gender compared to local minimum wage
Find out more in the "People" field of action5

Procurement practices

204-1Proportion of spending on local
Find out more in the "Planet" field of action12


205-2 Communication and training about
anti-corruption policies and procedures
Find out more in the "Partnership" field of action12
205-3Confirmed incidents of corruption and
actions taken
There were no confirmed incidents of corruption in the Böllhoff Group in 2023. Therefore, no further disclosures are made.12

Anti-competitive behaviour

206-1Legal actions for anti-competitive
behaviour, anti-trust, and monopoly practices
There were no incidents in 2023. Therefore, no sanctions or fines were imposed on us.12



GRI indicator

Indicator name




301-1Materials used by weight or volumeFind out more in the "Planet" field of action12
301-2Recycled input materials usedFind out more in the "Planet" field of action12, 13


302-1Energy consumption within the organisationFind out more in the "Planet" field of action7
302-3Energy intensityFind out more in the "Planet" field of action7


303-1Interactions with water as a shared
Find out more in the "Planet" field of action6
303-3Water withdrawalFind out more in the "Planet" field of action6


304-1Operational sites owned, leased,
managed in or adjacent to protected areas and areas
of high biodiversity value outside protected areas
Due to the large number of our company locations worldwide and the different definitions of biodiversity, individual sites are located near designated protected areas, for example UNESCO or the Ramsar List. These are essentially sales offices that do not jeopardise the protected areas.12
304-2Significant impacts of activities, products and services on biodiversityThe Böllhoff Group has assessed the impact of its business activities on the natural environment in the course of internal audits in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001. Impacts on biodiversity only arise during the realisation of construction projects at company sites.
We minimise or prevent impacts on biodiversity by taking replacement measures required by the authorities/legislation - supplemented by voluntary additional measures such as planting orchards and securing the habitats of rare amphibians.


305-1Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissionsFind out more in the "Planet" field of action7, 13
305-2Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG
Find out more in the "Planet" field of action7, 13
305-3Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG
Find out more in the "Planet" field of action13
305-4GHG emissions intensityFind out more in the "Planet" field of action13
305-5Reduction of GHG emissionsFind out more in the "Planet" field of action7, 13


306-3 Waste generatedFind out more in the "Planet" field of action12

Supplier management

308-2Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions takenFind out more in the "Planet" field of action8

Social affairs


Indicator name




401-1New employee hires and employee
Find out more in the "People" field of action8

Employer-employee relationship

402-1Minimum notice periods regarding
operational changes
Find out more in the "People" field of action8

Health and safety in the workplace

403-1  Occupational health and safety management systemFind out more in the "People" field of action3
403-2Hazard identification, risk assessment and incident investigationFind out more in the "People" field of action3
403-3Occupational health servicesFind out more in the "People" field of action3
403-4Worker participation, consultation
and communication on occupational health and safety
Find out more in the "People" field of action3
403-5Worker training on occupational
health and safety
Find out more in the "People" field of action3
403-6Promotion of worker healthFind out more in the "People" field of action3
403-7Prevention and mitigation of
occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by
business relationships
Find out more in the "People" field of action3
403-8Workers covered by an occupational
health and safety management system
Find out more in the "People" field of action3
403-9Work-related injuriesFind out more in the "People" field of action3

Apprenticeships and further education

404-1Average hours of training per year
per employee
Find out more in the "People" field of action4
404-2Programmes for upgrading employee
skills and transition assistance programmes
Find out more in the "People" field of action4
404-3Percentage of employees receiving
regular performance and career development reviews
Find out more in the "People" field of action4

Diversity and equal opportunities

405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and
Find out more in the "People" field of action5
405-2Ratio of basic salary and
remuneration of women to men
Find out more in the "People" field of action5


406-1Incidents of discrimination and
corrective actions taken
There were no known incidents of discrimination during the reporting period.
Find out more in the "People" field of action

Freedom of association and collective bargaining

407-1Operations and suppliers in which the
right to freedom of association and collective bargaining
may be at risk
Find out more in the "Partnership" field of action8

Child labour

408-1Operations and suppliers at
significant risk for incidents of child labour
The minimum age for employment in the Böllhoff Group is 16 years. In accordance with our compliance guidelines, we strictly reject child labour. We therefore also oblige our suppliers in the Code of Conduct to respect human rights and not to tolerate their violation through child labour.
Find out more in the "Partnership" field of action

Forced and compulsory labor

409-1Operations and suppliers at
significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory
Find out more in the "Partnership" field of action8

Local communities

413-1Operations with local community
engagement, impact assessments and development
Find out more in the "Partnership" field of action12

Social assessment of suppliers

414-2Negative social impacts in the 
supply chain and actions taken
Find out more in the "Planet" field of action12

Protection of customer data

418-1Substantiated complaints concerning
breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer
In 2023, there were no complaints and no loss or theft of customer data.
Find out more in the "Partnership" field of action