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About Böllhoff

Quality at Böllhoff

From fasteners to the entire assembly system – our customers expect maximum quality. We are pleased to meet and exceed their expectations!

Universal hardness test in our accredited test laboratory

We meet the highest quality standards

Quality without compromise – that is our philosophy. We use a variety of interconnected measures that ensure that we meet your quality requirements – and preferably exceed them.

We regularly have our quality management system certified by independent institutes. This helps us to ensure that we are working in accordance with the current standards. We build on this foundation to further optimise our processes through internal audits and our lean management approach. Because we know that every process can be improved.

We are proud that Böllhoff was one of the first companies in Germany to be successfully certified according to IATF 16949 – the world's highest standard in the automotive industry. We also meet many other standards, such as the EN 9100 standard for the aviation industry and the TS 22163 rail standard (IRIS).


"Making the good even better, in an ongoing, sustainable process – that's what quality means to us."

Wilhelm Alexander Böllhoff
Wilhelm A. Böllhoff Member of the company management

We place great emphasis on consistent quality management

Quality management is a fundamental part of our corporate philosophy. Our motto – “know your customer” – focuses on customer benefit. Only those who know the processes and requirements of their customers can continuously improve in their interests. That’s why the following elements of our quality policy are binding guidelines for our employees and suppliers.

  • Supplier relationships

    We can only create high-quality, cost-optimised products through trust-based collaboration with our suppliers. For this reason, we need our partners to have the same high standards when it comes to their internal quality management as we do within the Böllhoff Group.

    We select our suppliers for raw materials, semi-finished products and fasteners carefully, and place great emphasis on long-term partnerships. In addition to that, we also carry out regular on-site visits and audits to ensure our high quality standards are maintained, establishing greater resilience in our supply chains.

  • Product quality

    Our production sites are certified worldwide according to the latest quality and environmental standards. Our "zero-defect philosophy" is the basis for the quality of our products – and ultimately also influences the quality of our customers' products. Systematic process control in all areas helps us to work towards this ideal goal.

  • Leadership

    Our company executives and managers act as role models and ensure that we maintain our quality standards at all levels of the company.

    They communicate our quality philosophy to all employees. They implement operational goals and measures based on the company’s targets. And they involve employees in the implementation and improvement of quality processes.

    We know that we can only ensure our high quality standards when we work as a team.

  • Involving employees

    Our employees are the foundation of our success. They receive regular training in quality and process-specific topics so they can apply this knowledge directly in their respective fields. This enables them to make valuable suggestions on improving quality for the benefit of the customer.

  • Process-oriented approach

    Our company uses many interconnected processes that need to be perfectly coordinated. This is the only way we can deliver a good end result for our customers. Every process has interfaces that create a certain potential for errors.

    This is why we constantly monitor all processes and align our integrated quality management with those processes. The management system can be seen as a framework and support mechanism that enables us to implement customer requirements and continuously improve processes.

  • Continuous improvement

    We can always take something good and make it better. That’s why we pursue an ongoing improvement process in order to continuously optimise our product and process quality. Our employees work independently in their teams on improvements for their respective areas of responsibility and their immediate environment. Because we know that lots of little improvements within the company lead to big improvements for our customers.

    We consider the continuous improvement process an important part of our corporate culture. After all, every process can always be improved.

Our commitment

Customer satisfaction as our top priority

All our quality management measures have just one goal: satisfied customers. And to understand what your customers want, you have to communicate with them. We go a step further than many others, because we see ourselves as partners to our customers. As such, we take our responsibilities very seriously. We seek to identify and recognise your needs and future requirements at an early stage and offer you reliable solutions.

This is where we benefit from over 140 years of experience: We know the specific requirements of our customers from all industries – so we can support you with high-quality products for creating successful connections.

Feedback from our customers shows that they are extremely satisfied with our service and rate us as a top-quality supplier. We are proud of that. The annual audit carried out by independent certification body TÜV Rheinland Cert provides external confirmation of the quality of our organisation and our processes.

Böllhoff customers and employees in conversation
As a competence leader in 360° Joining Technology, we optimise our customers’ value chain with innovative, sustainable, and value-driven solutions.

Our accredited test laboratory

The value we place on quality is also reflected in the accreditation of our own test laboratory according to DIN EN ISO 17025:2018. Thanks to the laboratory, we can offer our customers independent testing of connections and fasteners – from connection design to failure analysis. The Böllhoff laboratory has met the highest requirement criteria for over 20 years.


Learn more about the laboratory's services now
A look at our accredited laboratory
Professional competence and state-of-the-art testing equipment in our company's own laboratory

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