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Detailed emission balance


[t CO2e]

[t CO2e]

[t CO2e]

Change on previous year [%]

Change compared to base year 2021 [%]

Scope 15,824*5,4906,0926-4
Scope 29,7099,12913,3676-27
Total Scope 1 and Scope 215,533*14,61919,4596-20
Scope 3.1257,381270,981276,905-5-7
Scope 3.239,37519,95213,49997192
Scope 3.33,4282,9902,9191517
Scope 3.418,45928,59022,821-35-19
Scope 3.52,7222,3102,3531816
Scope 3.61,11796448616130
Scope 3.75,5555,2865,032510
Scope 3.911,32617,57419,309-36-41
Scope 3.1143,65639,41640,328118
Scope 3.128,0857,6666,786519
Total Scope 339,1104395,729390,438-10
Total Scope 1-3406,637410,34840,9897-1-1


*These are preliminary data, which are partly based on the previous year's figures, as the actual data are not yet available